5 Simple Steps To Connect With People And Have Effective Conversations!

Most people appreciate connecting and having valuable conversations, learning the skill of effective conversations will save you time and reward you with better friendships. Here are the 5 Simple Steps to Connecting with people and having better conversations. 1.Connect With YourSelf To connect with others you must connect with yourself first, it’s like inviting someone to your house, before…

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6 Ways To Fuel Your Progress!

Progress brings fulfillment and fulfillment is the ultimate measure of success. Here are six ways to add fuel to your progress. THINK POSITIVELY. A friend of mine recently said “all obstacles are not things, they are thoughts”.  He could not have been more accurate. Every thought either advances or hinders your progress, do not underestimate the…

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5 Things Winners Do That Are Keeping You Awake At Night.

No one has ever lazily fallen into success and more so kept going without embracing this recipe for winning. I call it the winners recipe. Speaking of recipes, during my first attempt to cook, l set the sauce pan on fire!  I know, l know, l know … in fact everybody knows I am not a…

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The Chemistry Between Purpose, Vision And Goals

Without purpose, life is just a motion without meaning, activity without direction, and events without reason. Rick Warren said… “The greatest tragedy is not death, but a life without purpose.” PURPOSE: Your purpose is why you are living. When the evening hours of life arrive, what will matter the most is how much you loved, how much…

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3 Clues To Finding Your Purpose

What’s your life’s purpose?  Are you pursuing a career or a calling?  If you had to do what you are doing now for the rest of your life, would you feel fulfilled or could there be more to your life than what you are currently aware of? Mark Twain said…, “The two most important days…

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SELF IMAGE: What You Didn’t Know!

Did you know that how you perceive yourself will eventually become how others perceive you? Who you see yourself as is who you present to the world. Your self-image. Self image is the idea, conception, or mental image one has of oneself. The self-awareness of your abilities, appearance, and personality. Surprisingly, your self-image can be different to how others see…

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3 Tips To Becoming A Great Influencer!

Every day, you are either influencing or being influenced by someone. From conversations to chatting on social media, what you say has the potential to influence people. Your words, your text, your attitude and your actions are all influence carriers. Have you ever sent a text message to the wrong person? Do you know the feeling you get…

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